HC Deb 26 July 1897 vol 51 cc1199-201

Considered in Committee.

[Mr. GRANT LAWSON in the Chair.]

Clause 1,—


(1.) At any time before the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, the Local Government Board for Ireland may, if they think fit, by order under their seal authorise the Board. of Guardians of any poor law union to administer relief in food. or fuel, out of the workhouse, for any time not exceeding two months from the date of such order, to any poor persons resident in the union, and the said Board may, by a like order, revoke any such order either wholly or partly or with reference to any particular person or class of persons.

(2.) On the receipt by the guardians of any union of any order of the said Board. authorising such relief, the guardians shall make provision for affording such relief accordingly for such time and on such conditions as may be specified in the order or until the order is revoked.

(3.) The proviso in section two of the Poor Relief (Ireland) Act 1862, shall not apply in the case of any persons for whom relief is authorised under this Act.

(4) The expenses incurred in affording relief to any person relieved under this Act shall be charged in the same manner as if such expenses had been incurred in affording relief in the workhouse to such person under the Poor Relief (Ireland) Acts, 1838 to 1892.

MR. D. CRILLY (Mayo, N.)

moved in Sub-section (1) to leave out "two," and insert "five," his object being, as he explained, to provide that relief in food and fuel outside the workhouse might be given for five months instead of two months as set forth in the Bill. It was enacted by the clause that any time before the 1st day of September next the Local Government Board might if they thought fit, administer relief in food and fuel outside of the workhouse for any time not exceeding two months. In answer to his criticism whether the two months might not be extended to five, the Chief Secretary on Friday morning said that the Local Government Board at the end of the two months would consider whether further relief should be given. He desired to say in moving the Amendment, that the Irish Members had not much trust in the Local Government Board of Ireland. At the end of two months the harvest would be reached, and he desired to draw the attention of the Chief Secretary to the statement of the right hon. Gentleman, that at the end of two months when the harvest was reached, the responsibility for carrying relief to these poor people in unions like that of Belmullet would rest voluntarily in the hands of the Local Government Board for Ireland. He trusted that the period would be extended from two months to five months, and he begged to move that they could not trust to the tender mercy of the Local Government Board or any Board in Dublin Castle.


hoped the hon. Member would not press the Amendment, pointing out to him that it would in no way limit the power of the Local Government Board, as the words were "in such manner as the Board might determine."


asked whether the right hon. gentleman proposed to make any proposal. The right. hon. gentleman said it was not general but severe sporadic distress, but it did not appear that any special relief would be given to the unfortunate union of Belmullet. When there was a steady sinking into a state of pauperism what was the use of relaxing the rules for out-door relief? Belmullet some time ago was submerged into universal bankruptcy, and the sending down of paid guardians would not assist matters.


asked, could an order he issued again and again and be revoked?


said that was so, and in this precedent was followed.

Amendment negatived.

Clauses 1, 2, and 3, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clauses 4 and 5 ordered to stand part of the Bill.


rose to move the following Clause:—


"Any sum brought to a separate Irish account up to the thirty-first day of March one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, under any Act of the present Session dealing with the Judiciary in Ireland, shall be expended on the relief of distress in the Belmullet Union in such manner as the Irish Local Government Board may determine.


said the new clause was out of order, inasmuch as it allocated public money without the consent of the Crown.

Bill reported, without Amendment; read the Third time, and passed.