HC Deb 22 July 1897 vol 51 cc705-6
MR. W. E. M. TOMLINSON (Preston)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been directed to the result of the proceedings under Section 31 of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1888, on the complaint of the War Office against the South Eastern Railway Company (reported at page 43 of the 5th Report of the Board of Trade of proceedings under that Section presented to Parliament during the present month): whether the War Office complained of excessive charges on stores conveyed to Woolwich Arsenal and Dockyard; whether the proceedings have terminated by the meeting at the Board of Trade between the parties referred to in the Report as being one at which an amicable settlement could not be arrived at; whether an amicable settlement has subsequently been arrived at; and whether, in default of an amicable settlement, the War Office intend to carry their case before the Railway Commissioners?


The War Office did complain of certain charges made by the South Eastern Railway. Correspondence on the subject is still taking place with the Railway Company, and while nego- tiations are pending, it appears undesirable to commit the War Office to any course.