HC Deb 12 July 1897 vol 50 c1585
MR. FORTESCUE FLANNERY (Yorkshire, Shipley)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether his attention has been called to the practical withdrawal by the National Telephone Company of call room facilities at the Law Courts, arid to the fact that subscribers are now excluded, except by special payment, from facilities they have hitherto enjoyed; whether, having regard to the extreme importance to the administration of justice of communication to and from the Law Courts, representation will be made by the Post Office to the National Telephone Company upon the matter; and, whether the National Telephone Company has withdrawn several of its call rooms in the Metropolis, although subscribers have entered into contracts with the Company in good faith that the call room facilities through. out London would not he curtailed?


The attention of the Postmaster General has not been specially called to the withdrawal by the National Telephone Company of facilities at the Law Courts, but he has received representations in regard to the withdrawal by the Company of some of its call rooms in the Metropolis. He is in communication with the Company On the subject, and he will make inquiry with regard to the case of the Law Courts.