HC Deb 02 July 1897 vol 50 cc971-2
MR. J. C. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Bashi-Bazouks returning from Kani-Kasteli with their plunder attacked the Cretan Christians and killed 13 of them; and, whether the booty was openly sold by auction in Candia, and realised a considerable sum?

SIR E. ASHMEAD - BARTLETT (Sheffield, Ecclesall)

Before the right hon. Gentleman answers this question I beg to ask him another—whether these unfortunate conflicts which occur near the towns are caused by the fact that a large number of Mussulman refugees are cooped up by the Christian insurgents in very confined positions, where they are unable to obtain either food for themselves or pasture for their cattle?


In answer to the Question just addressed to me by the hon. Baronet, I may say that I believe the statement he has made correctly represents the facts of the situation. In reply to the Question on the Paper, I have to say that no such information has been received.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Question is based on a statement made by The Times correspondent yesterday?


I have not myself seen the statement.


I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the plundering of the houses of Christians still takes place in Candia under the eyes of the European troops; and if he can state whether the garrison is sufficient for the maintenance of order and the protection of life and property?


Colonel Chermside reported on the 15th of June that two premises in Candia had been broken open, and that some of the perpetrators had been arrested. No later report of plundering has been received. If Colonel Chermside should consider that the troops in Candia are insufficient for the maintenance of order and protection of property he will no doubt report to that effect. No such representation has yet been received from him.


I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in connection with the recent raid made by Mahomedan Bashi-Bazouks in the Christian village of Kani-Kasteli, whether it is a fact that their intention was known to several of the Christian inhabitants, who informed the consulates and the military authorities of the intended raid; if so, what steps were taken by the representatives of the Great Powers to prevent these armed men from sallying forth out of the protected zone and killing a number of Christian villagers; and whether any steps have been taken to punish those engaged in the raid and to prevent its recurrence?


Her Majesty's Government have received no information of the kind mentioned in the Question. There is now no protected zone outside Candia, the arrangements to that effect having been cancelled by agreement with the insurgents. Nor do the Moslems appear, in the case in question, to have sallied forth until two successive ambuscades had been laid for them by the Christians. Colonel Chermside reports that he is in correspondence with the local authorities concerning the prevention of similar incidents in future.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he is aware that the Canea delegates have petitioned the Admirals complaining of the inaction of the military authorities?


No, Sir; I have not heard.

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