HC Deb 29 January 1897 vol 45 cc799-800

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury if he can arrange to take the Debate on the Financial Relations between England and Ireland in the second week in March.


The Government are, and have been, very anxious to give facilities for an early discussion of this important question. They fully recognise that the Irish Members have a special claim in the matter, and a right to be considered in fixing the date for the Debate. The Government are prepared, without pledging themselves to any particular day, to meet their views as far as is consistent with the exigencies of Government business. ("Hear, hear!")

SIR G. BADEN-POWELL (Liverpool, Kirkdale)

asked the Secretary for the Colonies whether he could now state what steps were being taken to enable the Colonies and dependencies of our Empire to take official part in the celebration of the completion of the 60th year of Her Majesty's reign.


I have no doubt that this Question of the hon. Member is founded on a statement in the Daily Mail this morning, which is not quite accurate, and I think a little premature, since I have learned by experience it is desirable to postpone announcement of invitations until I can at the same time say that they have been finally answered. ["Hear, hear!" and laughter] But as it has come from the Colonies I may now state that with the approval of Her Majesty I have, on behalf of Her Majesty's Government, invited the Premiers of all self-governing Colonies to come to this country to take part in the celebration of the completion of the 60th year of Her Majesty's reign. ["Hear, hear!"] I have also informed them that if they accept this invitation, Her Majesty's Government desire that they shall be treated as guests of this country. [Cheers.] It is also proposed that detachments representing the military forces of the several Colonies shall come to this country, and a similar endeavour will be made to secure representations of military forces from Crown Colonies. ["Hear, hear!"] I may say that up to the present time replies in general terms have been received only from Canada, the Cape and Natal. In every case the replies are extremely gratifying in tone, testifying to the loyalty of the Colonies and their desire to take part in this celebration. [Cheers.]