HC Deb 28 January 1897 vol 45 cc680-1

I beg to ask the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether the authorities have received a memorial signed by the local magistrates and clergymen praying that an increase of pension be granted to a wounded soldier named John Kelly, of Ballindoon, county Sligo, who when serving with the Connaught Rangers in the Kaffir War in 1875, had one of his legs shot away, and who is now unable to support himself, his wife, and eight children on the small pension which he was granted; and whether, under the circumstances, he will recommend an increase of pension to this man?


John Kelly made an application to the Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital, and they have raised his pension from 1s. to 1s. 6d. a day in consequence of increased disability arising from the original cause of his discharge.


May I ask whether the hon. Gentleman is aware that the recent Committee which inquired into the affairs of the Patriotic Fund ascertained that there is a surplus available for such purposes as these, amounting to a quarter of a million of money.


Order! That question does not arise out of the question on the paper.