HC Deb 26 January 1897 vol 45 c510

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to the fact that the pay of the European police in the Mauritius is 40 rupees a month, which at the present rate of exchange is about £2 7s. 9d., while the European soldier is paid at the rate of 2s. to the rupee; and whether he will take steps in the interests of efficiency to grant the police an equally favourable rate for home remittances, for at least half their salary, as a compensation allowance?


There are no distinct European police in Mauritius. The officers and men of the police force who are Europaans are paid in the currency of the Colony, and I am not aware of any reason for treating them more favourably in the matter of remittances to England than other Europeans in the service of the Colony.