HC Deb 23 February 1897 vol 46 cc974-5
MR. C. L. ORR-EWING (Ayr Burghs)

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether he can state the number of prisoners which can be accommodated in Perth and Dundee Prisons respectively, and if he also can state the number of prisoners in each prison on 1st February 1897?


The cell accommodation in Perth is:—

Ordinary cells 529
Cells for female convicts 197
Criminal lunatics in rooms 87
Total for Perth 813

On 2nd February there were confined in Perth Prison—

Ordinary prisoners 68
Female convicts 14
Criminal lunatics 64
Total for Perth 146

And in Dundee Prison, on the same date, there were—

Ordinary prisoners 108
Making in all 254

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether he can state if an addition is now being built at Dundee Prison; and whether, in view of the fact that the journey from Dundee to Perth occupies 30 minutes in the train, Dundee Prison is a feeder for Perth Prison?


Yes, Sir; when Dundee Prison was taken over it had 153 cells, many of which needed improvement. In the alterations 37 cells were lost. The intention is to replace these, and to add 38 more cells by prison labour. Dundee, during 1896, fed Perth Prison with 625 prisoners; but the intention is to make the transfers less frequent.