HC Deb 16 February 1897 vol 46 c502
SIR HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)

That, having regard to the great increase in the importation of Foreign Manufactured Goods into the United Kingdom, and the consequent loss of employment to the working classes in Great Britain and Ireland, this House is of opinion that, on and after the 1st day of January 1818, fully manufactured goods brought into this country from any foreign country should pay a toll, for the benefit of the British labour thereby displaced, of Ten pounds per centum ad valorem, and partly manufactured goods a Customs toll to British labour of half that amount, and that the proceeds of this Customs toll should be applied either ill the reduction of taxation upon industry, or in the promotion of trade within the Empire, or in assisting emigration to British colonies and dependencies, or in advancing commercial and technical education, or in forming the nucleus of a national fund for the granting of weekly pensions through local authorities to deserving and necessitous persons over 65 years of age incapacitated from earning a livelihood by sickness or infirmity, or otherwise utilised as may from time to time seem expedient to the Treasury for the benefit of British trade and labour, a Return of such distribution being annually resented to Parliament.—[Tuesday 16th March.]