HC Deb 15 February 1897 vol 46 c394
MR. LLOYD MORGAN (Carmarthen, W.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to a paper read on the 10th instant by Mr. Balfour Browne, Q.C., on the Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, in which it is stated that English railway companies favour Foreign producers of agricultural and other produce as against the Home farmer; that in competing with the Foreign producer, the railway rates in this country are against the British farmer; and that Foreign rates are in favour of his competitors; and, whether the Government will cause an inquiry to be made into the subject of railway rates, with a view to legislation in the direction of so revising the rates as to put the Home farmer and producer on terms of equality with his Foreign rival?


No, Sir, I have not read the paper referred to, but I have no doubt the hon. Member's account of what was stated therein is correct. Having regard to Section 27 of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1888, which provides:— That no Railway Company shall make, nor shall the Court, or the Commissioners, sanction any difference in the tolls, rates, or charges made for, or any difference in the treatment of, home and foreign merchandise, in respect of the same or similar services, I am not prepared to direct any additional inquiry into the subject of Railway Rates.