§ MR. J. C. FLYNN (Cork, N.)On behalf of the hon. Member for North Leitrim (Mr. PATRICK M'HUGH), I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (1) on what grounds do the Commissioners of Irish National Education require managers of schools to furnish as often as four times every year certificates of character of teachers, male and female, under their charge; (2) is he aware that since the establishment of the National Board, over 60 years ago, not a single bad character has been noted on these returns; and (3) will he give instructions to have this character query eliminated from the quarterly returns, implying as it does a stigma on a most exemplary body of public servants to the State.
THECHIEF SECRETARY FOR IRELAND (Mr. GERALDBALFOUR,) Leeds, CentralThe salaries of teachers and the amounts accruing to them from the School Grant are payable quarterly on a Return furnished by the manager, who reports, amongst other things, as to the character of the teacher. The fact is not as stated in the second paragraph; and, as regards the third paragraph, the Commissioners consider that it would be inadvisable, in the public interests, to discontinue the use of the query as to character in the School Returns furnished by the managers. I may add, as I have over and over again pointed out, that I have no power to give instructions to the Commissioners, even if I had the desire to do so.
§ MR. FLYNNOn behalf of the hon. Member for North Leitrim (Mr. PATRICK M'HUGH), I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (1) if his attention has been drawn to the fact that Irish national school teachers have frequently complained of the inconvenience caused them in not getting their salaries direct from the Education Office after the orders have been duly signed by the managers, and that the present system of sending the teachers' money orders through the managers imposes on the latter an unnecessary duty; and (2) will he give instructions to the Board of Irish National Education to insert in future quarterly returns a query leaving it optional with the managers to have the 264 teachers' salaries forwarded to themselves or sent direct to the teachers?
§ MR. GERALD BALFOURRepresentations have been made from time to time of the nature indicated in the first paragraph, and the question of direct payment to the teachers is now receiving the consideration of the Commissioners.