HC Deb 04 February 1897 vol 45 c1293

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether he is aware that the National Gallery and the British Museum are now closed to the public on Sundays; and, whether he will consider the desirability of recommending the Trustees to give effect to the Resolution adopted by the House of Commons on the 10th March 1896 at all seasons of the year?


The hon. and gallant Member's information differs from mine, as I understand that the British Museum is open on Sundays all the year round. The hon. Member who moved the Resolution of March 10th 1896 has represented to the Treasury that to keep these institutions open only till dusk in winter is practically useless, as the working classes cannot well reach them till about half-past three. In the absence of any system of artificial lighting it would be useless to keep a picture exhibition like the National Gallery open for any sufficient time after that hour during any but the summer months. The hon. and gallant Member must not forget that any extension of the present arrangements would increase a charge upon the taxpayer which in provincial towns would be borne by the ratepayer. London is, therefore, already better off than the provinces in this respect.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that both the British Museum and the National Gallery were closed on Sunday last?


I am informed it was open.