HC Deb 04 February 1897 vol 45 cc1304-5
MR. A. C. HUMPHREYS-OWEN (Montgomery)

I beg to ask the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education at what date the scheme for the Denbigh portion of the Howell's Charity was submitted by the Charity Commissioners to the Education Department; whether the doubts as to the area to which the endowment belongs were considered by the Charity Commissioners before they submitted the scheme; whether any similar doubts arose when the schemes dealing with the Cardiff portion of the Howell's Charity were under consideration by the Commissioners or the Department or are now entertained by the Department; what is the ground for the exclusion of the county of Glamorgan from the benefits of the Denbigh portion of the Howell's Charity; and, what steps the Department propose to take in order to obtain a decision on the question to whom the endowment belongs?


The scheme was submitted in June 1895. I cannot answer for the Charity Commissioners, but the Glamorgan scheme was unopposed when approved by the Committee of Council. The Glamorganshire portion of the charity has already been dealt with separately by the scheme. The Committee of Council have informed the Joint Education Committee for Denbighshire and the governing body of Howell's Charity School, Denbigh, to suggest that some agreement might be arrived at between them.


Will similar communications be addressed to the other Welsh County Governing Bodies, who, under this scheme as drafted, have an interest in the Denbigh portion of the Charity?


That suggestion shall be considered.


The right hon. Gentleman has not answered the last line of the question—whether any doubts are now entertained by the Department?


remarked that it was not the Department, but the Council, entertained doubts at this moment.