HC Deb 06 August 1897 vol 52 c532



60 & 61 VICTORIA.—A.D. 1897.

1. AN Act to amend as to qualifications for Elections to Parish Councils and as to the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting. (Local Government.)

2. An Act to amend the Law relating to the Appointment of Surveyors in the county of Dublin. (County Dublin Surveyors.)

3. An Act to provide, during twelve months, for the Discipline and Regulation of the Army. (Army (Annual).)

4. An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. (Consolidated Fund (No. 1).)

5. An Act to provide for a Grant out of the Exchequer in aid of Voluntary Elementary Schools, and for the Exemption from Rates of those Schools, and to repeal part of Section nineteen of the Elementary Education Act. (1876). (Voluntary Schools.)

6. An Act to amend the Military Lands Act, 1892. (Military Lands.)

7. An Act to provide for defraying the Expenses of certain Military Works and other Military Services. (Military Works.)

8.An Act to amend the Trusts (Scotland) Act 1867, Amendment Act, 1887. (Trusts (Scotland).)

9. An Act to amend the Law as to the Endowment of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall. (Archdeaconry of Cornwall.)

10. An Act to remove doubts as to the power of the Secretary of State in Council of India to grant Superannuation and Compensation Allowances in certain cases to Officers on his Establishment. (East India Company's Officers Superannuation.)

11. An Act to make provision for the transfer of the Assets, Liabilities, and Management of the Regular Widows' Fund and of the Elders' Widows' Fund to the Secretary of State in Council of India, and for other purposes in relation thereto. (Regular and Elders' Widows' Funds.)

12. An Act to provide Superannuation Allowances for the Assessor of Railways and Canals in Scotland, and the Clerks and other Officers permanently employed by him. (Railway Assessors (Scotland) Superannuation.)

13. An Act for transferring the right of Presenttation to the Professorships of Botany and Natural History in the University of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh University (Transfer of Patronage).)

14. An Act for enabling the Metropolitan Police Courts to be closed on Special Bank Holidays. Metropolitan Police Courts (Holidays).)

15. An Act to amend the Navy and Marines (Wills) Act, 1865. (Navy and Marines (Wills.)

16. An Act to amend Section Ninety-seven of the Elementary Education Act, 1870. (Elementary Education.)

17. An Act to provide for an appeal in Ireland in Cases stated by Justices in certain Civil Matters. (Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland).)

18. An Act to permit Juries to separate in cases of Felony. (Juries Detention.)

19. An Act to amend the Law regarding Preferential Payments in the case of Companies. (Preferential Payments in Bankruptcy Amendment.)

20. An Act to provide for the relief of Jurors from unnecessary attendance at Courts of Quarter Sessions in Ireland. (Quarter Sessions Jurors (Ireland).)

21. An Act to make rules for Preventing Collisions in the Sea Channels leading to the River Mersey. (Mersey Channels.)

22. An Act to amend the Provisions of the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act, 1883, so far as they relate to Market Gardens. (Market Gardeners Compensation (Scotland).)

23. An Act to remove doubts arising under the Extraordinary Tithe Redemption Act, 1886. (Extraordinary Tithe.)

24. An Act to grant certain Duties of Customs Inland Revenue. (Finance.)

25. An Act for the Acquisition of Land for the Extension of the Patent Office, and for purposes connected therewith. (Patent Office. (Extension).)

26. An Act for transferring the Expenses of Police Courts to the Metropolitan Police Fund, and for making provision with respect to the Courts of the Stipendiary Magistrate of Chatham and Sheerness. (Metropolitan Police Courts.)

27. An Act for the Acquisition of a Site for Public Offices in or near Whitehall, and for other purposes connected therewith. (Public Offices (Whitehall) Site.)

28. An Act to amend the Poor Law Officers Superannuation Act, 1896, as respects Female Nurses appointed after the commencement of the said Act. (Poor Law Officers Superannuation Act Amendment.)

29. An Act to amend the Law with respect to the borrowing of Money by Guardians and Managers of District Schools and Asylums, and to explain the Metropolitan Poor Act, 1867. (Poor Law.)

30. An Act to make further provision with respect to the disposal of Property in the Possession of the Police. (Police (Property).)

31. An Act to permit Local Authorities to provide Cleansing and Disinfection for Persons infested with Vermin. (Cleansing of Persons.)

32. An Act to provide for Expenses incurred by School Boards in relation to School Board Conferences. (School Board Conference.)

33. An Act to remove doubts as to the applicability of the Church Building Acts and New Parishes Acts to the Isle of Man. (Isle of Man (Church Building and New Parishes).)

34. An Act to enable Returning Officers at Municipal Elections in Scotland to take the use of certain rooms free of charge. (Municipal Elections (Scotland).)

35. An Act to make further provision for the Construction of Works in the Kingdom and elsewhere for the purposes of the Royal Navy. (Naval Works.)

36. An Act to make temporary provision for the Relief of Distress in Ireland. (Out-door relief (Ireland).)

37. An Act to amend the Law with respect to Compensation to Workmen for Accidental Injuries suffered in the course of their Employment. (Workmen's Compensation.)

38. An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Public Health in Scotland. (Public Health (Scotland).)

39. An Act to constitute the Ridings of Yorkshire separate Counties for all purposes of the Coroners Act. (Yorkshire Coroners.)

40. An Act to amend the Local Government Act, 1894, with regard to Joint Committees for the purpose of the Burial Acts. (Local Government (Joint Committees).)

41. An Act to make provision with respect to the Delivery of Telegrams, Guarantees by Parish Councils in Scotland, and the Pensions of certain persons employed in the Telegraph Service. (Post Office and Telegraph.)

42. An Act to extend the powers of the Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District. (Metro-tan Police (Borrowing Powers).)

43. An Act to facilitate Military Manœuvres. (Military Manœuvres.)

44. An Act for giving facilities for a Pure Water Supply in Rural Districts. (District (Water Supply Councils Facilities).)

45. An Act to make further provision for the Endowment of the Archdeaconry of London. (Archdeaconry of London (Additional Endowment).)

46. An Act to Legalise the use of Weights and Measures of the Metric System. Weights and Measures (Metric System.)

47. An Act to declare the Effect of the Provisions of the Volunteer Act, 1863, with respect to Rules for Volunteer Corps. (Volunteer.)

48. An Act to extend the Jurisdiction of Stipendiary Magistrates in Scotland. (Stipendiary Magistrates Jurisdiction Scotland).)

49. An Act to make better provision for filling up Casual Vacancies in Parish Counclis iu Scotland. (Parish Councils Casual Vacancies (Scotland).)

50. An Act to amend the Licensing (Scotland) Acts, 1828 to 1887. (Licensing Amendment (Scotland).)

51. An Act to grant Moneys for the purpose of certain Local Loans and to amend the Law respecting the Local Loans Fund and Loans made thereout and for other purposes relating to Local Loans. (Public Works Loans.)

52. An Act to extend the Age under which the Employment of Young Persons in Dangerous Performances is prohibited. (Dangerous Performances.)

53. An Act to provide for the Administration of Sums available for the Improvement of Congested Districts in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. (Congested District (Scotland).)

54. An Act to continue various Expiring Laws. (Expiring Laws Continuance.)

55. An Act to make provision with respect to advances for the benefit of Wicklow Harbour. (Wicklow Harbour Advances.)

56. An Act to amend the Law respecting the Metropolitan Water Companies. (Metropolis Water.)

57. An Act to amend the Law for the Better Protection of Infant Life. (Infant Life Protection.)

58. An Act to give power to make Regulations with respect to Cotton Cloth Factories. (Cotton Cloth Factories.)

59. An Act to amend the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, with respect to the power of detention for undermanning. (Merchant Shipping.)

60. An Act for the Prevention of Accidents by Chaff-Cutting Machines. (Accidents).)

61. An Act to remove certain Exemptions from Compulsory Pilotage. (Merchant Shipping (Exemption from Pilotage).)

62. An Act to amend the provisions of Section Sixty-seven of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1872, in regard to the additional grant to School Boards, and to provide out of the Exchequer an aid grant for Voluntary Schools in Schools in Scotland, and for the Exemption from Rates of those Schools. (Education (Scotland).)

63. An Act to prohibit the importation of Foreign Prison-made Goods. (Foreign Prison-made Goods.)

64. An Act to amend Sections Four and Eight of the Constabulary (Ireland) Amendment Act, 1865. (Constabulary (Ireland).)

65. An Act to establish a Real Representative and to amend the Land Transfer Act, 1875. (Land Transfer.)

66. An Act to amend the Judicature (Ireland) Acts, 1877 to 1888, and to provide for the union and consolidation of the Court of Bankruptcy in Ireland with the Supreme Court and for other purposes connected therewith. (Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) (No. 2).)

67. An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament. (Appropriation.)