HC Deb 05 August 1897 vol 52 c402
MR. T. M. HEALY (Louth, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if Thomas Condon, Ballyclough, Fermoy, who was recently convicted of assault and bound to the peace, is the same man who, on 20th June, fired three shots at some persons from a revolver; was the firing reported to the police; whether Condon has an excise licence; if not, why was he not prosecuted under 33 and 34 Vic, c. 37; and will the licence granted to him by Mr. Kilbride, R.M., under the Arms Act, be continued?


Condon was fined for assault in December last, and also required to give sureties to keep the peace. His mother is tenant of an evicted farm, and the assault, of which he was convicted, was committed when he with other members of his family resisted an attempt made by the evicted tenant to drive Mrs. Condon's cattle off the farm. Other disturbances have since taken place in connection with this farm, and on the 30th May the fences on the holding were thrown down and burned. Two persons were made amenable for riot on this occasion. It was alleged by the evicted tenant that Condon fired shots from a revolver with intent to do bodily harm, and the fact was reported to the police, but the case was dismissed by the Magistrates at Petty Sessions. Condon has not an excise licence for the revolver, and the Inland Revenue authorities have directed proceedings to be instituted against him for his failure to take out such a licence. He holds a licence under the Arms Act, and there are no sufficient reasons for depriving him of this licence.