HC Deb 05 August 1897 vol 52 c397

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether he will cause inquiry to be made into a statement by a member of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria, on 23rd June, that the P. and O. Company are carrying German goods to Australia at a reduction of 50 per cent. on ordinary rates, having regard to the fact that this company receives large subsidies from the Imperial and Colonial Treasuries for the carriage of Her Majesty's mails?


The matter is not one which affects the mail service, or one over which the Postmaster General has any control. He is, however, informed by the P. and O. Company that there is no foundation for the statement that the company are carrying German goods to Australia at a reduction of 50 per cent on ordinary rates. They state that, as a matter of fact, no reduction whatever is made in matter of favour of German goods.