HC Deb 03 August 1897 vol 52 cc315-6

Section two of the statute of the thirty-second year of the reign of Henry the Eighth, chapter nine, which prohibits sales and other dispositions of land of which the grantor or his predecessor in title has not been in possession for one whole year previously to the disposition being made, shall not apply to dispositions of registered land when completed by registration.


moved to leave out from "made" to the end of clause, and to insert "is hereby repealed." He said it was a revelation to some of them to know that the Statute of 32 Henry VIII. was still in existence. As the Bill stood, land registered would be exempt from the operation of this mysterious statute, and an implication was created that land not registered was liable to it. He had been requested by some hon. and learned Friends who knew more about it than he did, to say that this would be creating a doubt which did not at present exist, with reference to an obsolete Statute. Therefore it would be better to get rid of it altogether.


said that not being a conveyancer he was unable to say whether the objection taken by the right hon. Gentleman was a valid one or not, but if gentlemen of experience in the House would say that this old section was spent and not operative, he would have no objection to its repeal.


said that practically it was obsolete.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 13,—