HC Deb 02 August 1897 vol 52 cc111-2

, in asking leave to introduce a Bill to amend the Acts relating to the sale of food and drugs, said it was unusual to do so at this late period of the Session. [Ironical cheers.] There was, however, no intention whatever of proceeding with it. [Ironical laughter.] It was merely brought forward in fulfilment of a pledge given earlier in the Session. [Ironical laughter and cheers.] The object of the Bill was to give effect to recommendations which were made by the Committee which sat on the question of food and drugs; and his object in introducing the Bill now was in order that during the recess they might be able to ascertain the general drift of opinion with regard to the Question. [Ironical cheers.]

Bill brought in, amid ironical Opposition cheers, by Mr. Chaplin; presented, and Read the First time; to be Read a Second time upon Thursday, and to be printed.—[Bill 339.]