HC Deb 02 August 1897 vol 52 c87
MR. R. MCGHEE (Louth, S)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether he has been made aware of the great inconvenience to which the people of Lurgan are being put in transacting their business at the post office in that town, owing to the inadequate space and unsuitable character of the premises; whether he is aware that telegraphic operations are carried on at the public counter in the hearing of the public; whether he has received a memorial from the Town Commissioners of Lurgan, praying for enlarged and more suitable premises; and, whether it is his intention to take steps for providing a post office such as will enable the business to be conveniently and properly transacted?


The attention of the Postmaster General had been called, previous to the receipt of the memorial from the Town Commissioners, to the inadequacy of the accommodation afforded in the present post office at Lurgan, and for some time past the postmaster has been endeavouring to find better premises at a rent which the amount of the business would justify but without success. It is believed to be very likely that the sound of the telegraph instrument is audible at the public counter. The question of providing a Crown office is now being considered.