HC Deb 29 April 1897 vol 48 c1244

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether the post of Examiner in the Dublin Post Office has lately been given to an officer in the Controller and Accountant General's Department, General Post Office, London, over the heads of nearly 50 seniors; and could he explain in what respects all those passed over were considered unqualified for the post?


The post of Examiner in the Dublin Post Office has lately been given to an officer in the Accountant General's Office in London. Of three vacant staff appointments in the Accountant's Office in Dublin, two were filled up by promotion of gentlemen within that office; but for the post of Examiner, the Postmaster General, much to his regret, was obliged to resort to another office, and he selected an officer from the Accountant General's Department in London, who was specially qualified for the discharge of the important duties to be performed. There were above him in that department nearly 50 officers whose salary was less than that of the vacant post in Dublin; but he was selected as the best qualified of those who were willing to undertake the duties. Not. one of the officers in question stood in succession to the appointment or had any claim to it. In the judgment of the Postmaster General none of the officers in the Post Office at Dublin were qualified for the positon of Examiner; but his Grace does not consider it desirable to give a detailed explanation respecting each officer.