HC Deb 27 April 1897 vol 48 c1180
* MR. EDWIN LAWRENCE (Cornwall, Truro)

had given notice of the following Motion:— That, in the opinion of this House, in the interests of trade and communication by sea between places on the coasts of England and Wales, and with a view to the protection and development of sea fisheries and the safety of the persons engaged in them, it is desirable that a Departmental Committee be appointed to inquire in what way and to what extent the existing provisions of piers and harbours on those coasts should be improved. He said that the subject to which his Motion referred had occupied the attention of the House on many occasions in the last 20 years. In 1884 a Committee recommended, after a most exhaustive inquiry, the provision of more piers and harbours of refuge, in the interests, chiefly, of the fishermen of this country. He knew that the Members of the Government responsible for the spending departments would call attention to the Treasury Minute of 1861, by which it was laid down that money might be advanced for this purpose by way of loan; but what was the use of loans to poor fishermen who could not raise the interest and had no security to give? ["Hear, hear!"] This was not a small matter. It concerned a very large number of fishermen on the coasts, and if the fishermen had the power of combining, or could exercise the power of the vote, it would be impossible for any Government long to resist their just demands.

Notice taken that 40 Members were not present; House counted, and 40 Members not being present:—

The House was Adjourned at Twenty-five Minutes before Eight of the Clock till To-morrow.