HC Deb 06 April 1897 vol 48 cc607-8
MR. F. S. STEVENSON () Suffolk, Eye

I beg to ask the President, of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that, more than a year ago, the Parish Council of Debenham, Suffolk, purchased additional land for burial ac- commodation, obtained the consent of the parish meeting and of the East Suffolk County Council to borrow £400 for the purpose, and received the necessary sanction of the Secretary of State for the Home Department, after the receipt of a favourable report following upon inquiry by a medical officer from that Department; whether, in view of those facts, it is still his intention to direct a local inquiry to be held by an inspector of the Local Government Board; and upon whom the cost of the proposed inquiry will fall?


The Local Government Board have no information as to the date of the purchase of the land referred to. The sanction of the County Council to the borrowing has been given, subject to the loan being sanctioned by the Board, and upon the particulars which have been furnished in connection with the application for their consent, the Board consider that a public local inquiry should be held in the matter by one of their inspectors. In the ordinary course the cost of the inquiry will be borne by the Parish Council. With, regard to the visits of two inspectors from two Departments to the same place, I am in communication with the Home Office—on the subject of these inquiries generally—and I should be very glad if it is found that the inquiry by the Local Government Board Inspector would render unnecessary inspection by the other Departments.