HC Deb 06 April 1897 vol 48 c624
* MR. SEALE-HAYNE () Devon, Ashburton

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board if he will state why the application of the Devon County Council for compulsory powers to acquire land for allotments at Wreyland, in the parish of Bovey Tracey, has been refused?


The order of the County Council provided for the compulsory hiring of a particular field about two acres one rood in extent, for allotment purposes. The number of persons applying for allotments was originally six, but two had since left the parish, and one had intimated that he no longer required an allotment. A public inquiry was held in the district by one of the Board's Inspectors, and the evidence of those interested in the question was taken. It appeared to the Board as the result of this inquiry that it had not been shown that the Parish Council were unable to acquire suitable land by agreement. For instance, it was stated at the inquiry by the lessee of the farm comprising the field proposed to be taken, which was alleged to be specially valuable, that no application had been made to him in respect of any land other than that field. He further stated that he was willing to let other land of the same area and situated at a convenient distance. The owner of the land also stated that the particular field was the only land in respect of which application was made to him. For these and other reasons the Local Government Board arrived at the conclusion that the order should not be confirmed by them.


Did the inspector visit the field offered in lieu of that selected by the applicants?


Yes, Sir, he did; and when the land was selected by the Committee instructed for the purpose it was not visited by them.


In consequence of the unsatisfactory nature of the answer, I beg to give notice that I shall call attention to the matter on the Estimates,