HC Deb 21 May 1896 vol 41 cc84-5

asked the Home Secretary, whether he would cause a special inquiry to be made into the conduct of the local authority at Newlyn, with a view to ascertain whether they had used their powers to protect the East Coast fishermen with promptness and effect; and whether he could give an assurance that effective measures would be taken to insure the conviction and punishment of the ringleaders in the recent riots?

MR. HARRY FOSTER (Suffolk, Lowestoft)

asked the right hon. Gentleman, whether he was in a position to give the House any information as to the restoration of order in Cornwall; whether any inquiry was to be made as to the origin of the disorder, and as to the recovery of the damage sustained by boat-owners and fishermen; and whether it was proposed to take any steps to prevent a recurrence of the rioting, and to insure that the East Coast fishermen should be allowed to peacefully pursue their lawful calling.


I should like to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether the Government are prepared to introduce for Cornwall a Measure on the lines of the Irish Coercion Act?


The last information which has reached me is that matters are quieting down. It is premature at present to say anything as to the necessity for any inquiry. I am in communication with the Admiralty and the local authorities as to the necessary steps to be taken to preserve the peace.