§ MR. BOULNOIS (Marylebone, E.)I beg to ask the President of the Board 58 of Trade, when the Report under Section 29 of The Companies Winding-up Act, 1890, will be laid before Parliament; and, whether he would give directions that in future the Report be presented to Parliament not later than the month of March in each year?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRADE (Mr. C. T. RITCHIE,) CroydonThe Report is in the course of preparation and will be laid before Parliament with the least possible delay. It must be borne in mind that although the Report deals with all the Companies ordered to be wound up during the year ending the 31st December, the information supplied with regard to such Companies has to do with proceedings subsequent to that date, while the financial portion of the Report is brought down to the following 31st March. It would therefore be impracticable to collect the requisite materials and prepare the Report so early as the date suggested by the hon. Member, without greatly curtailing the amount of the information supplied, and thereby impairing its value.