§ MR. J. P. FARRELLI beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade, is he aware that very general complaint exists in the district served by the Midland Great Western Railway Company at the slowness of their trains and the very rude and primitive style of their third class accommodation; whether he is aware that the average speed of the 1321 ordinary train is 24 miles per hour for the whole length of their service, and 35 miles per hour for their limited mail; and, whether he will direct the attention of the Railway Commissioners to this state of things with a view to effecting some improvement?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRADE (Mr. C. T. RITCHIE,) CroydonI have communicated with the Railway Company with reference to the hon. Member's Question, and I shall be happy to show him the reply. They deny the accuracy of the statement as to the speed of the trains, and state that they are not aware of any complaints in regard to the third class accommodation. It is also alleged that the passenger service generally has been considerably improved. The Railway Commissioners occupy a judicial position, and I cannot communicate with them in the way suggested. Complainants must proceed in accordance with the Rules of the Court.