HC Deb 01 May 1896 vol 40 c336

MR. H. T. ANSTRUTHER (St. Andrews Burghs) and Mr. W. A. MCARTHUR (Cornwall, St. Austell), Tellers for the Government and Opposition respectively in the Division on the Agricultural Rating Bill last night, came to the Table.


I wish to ask leave to report that in the "Aye" Lobby Division list in Division No. 123 (the Closure) my hon. friend and myself are agreed that I should have reported the number as 325 instead of 335. Through inadvertence I gave the latter number to the Clerks at the Table, and for that inadvertence I wish to apologize.

Having returned to his place, Mr. ANSTRUTHER moved that the Clerk be instructed to correct the error in the journal of the House.

Ordered, that the Clerk do correct the said error in the journal of this House, by stating the number of the Ayes to be 325, instead of 335.