§ Ordered, That the Select Committee on Distress from Want of Employment do consist of 27 Members.
§ Mr. Bhownaggree, Mr. Bolitho, Mr. Bousfield, Mr. John Burns, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Mr. Victor Cavendish, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Crean, Mr. Drage, Mr. Goddard, Mr. Hazell, Mr. Wootton Isaacson, Mr. Heywood Johnstone, Sir John Dillwyn-Llewellyn, Mr. Logan, Mr. M'Iver, Sir Frederick Milner, Mr. Patrick O'Brien, Mr. Pickersgill, Mr. Randell, Mr. Renshaw, Mr. Round, Mr. T. W. Russell, Mr. George Whiteley, Mr. John Wilson (Durham), Mr. John Wilson (Govan), and Mr. Stuart-Wortley were accordingly nominated Members of the said Committee.
§ Ordered that the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.
§ Ordered, That seven be the quorum.— (Sir William Walrond.)