HC Deb 23 March 1896 vol 38 c1590
MR. J. CALDWELL (Lanark, Mid)

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate, whether it is the case that policemen in the constabulary force of Lanarkshire are stationed in colliery villages, under the orders of colliery managers and in the pay of colliery proprietors; whether he is aware that such policemen are also employed as factors for houses and for serving ejectment notices, etc.; and, whether he will interfere to prevent such employment outside of constabulary duty?

THE LORD ADVOCATE (Sir CHARLES PEARSON,) Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Universities

Under Section 7 of the Police (Scotland) Act of 1857 (20 and 21 Vict. chap. 72) 13 constables are appointed to act in various collieries and ironworks in Lanarkshire. These men are subject to the orders of the Chief Constable, and rank for pay and promotion with the ordinary constables of the force. They are paid in the first instance by the County, and their total cost for pay, clothing, etc., is recovered from the firm employing the men. The Secretary for Scotland sees no reason why this arrangement should be disturbed. None of these men serve ejectment notices; but some are employed as factors, and the Secretary for Scotland will cause inquiry to be made as to this before expressing any opinion.

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