HC Deb 12 March 1896 vol 38 c768

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, if the Court Valuer who visited Lord Annaly's Co. Long-ford estate in January 1895, with a view to reporting on the proposal of the tenants to purchase their holdings at the following prices: under £10 valuation, 16 years' purchase; under £30 valuation, 17 years' purchase; and under £100 valuation, 18 years' purchase, has yet sent in his report to the Commission: and, if so, was it favourable to the sanctioning of the purchase, and what is the cause of delay in this case, which affects a large number of tenants?


In replying to a question addressed to me by the hon. Member on the 27th ultimo relating to this matter, I stated I would inquire whether anything could be done to expedite the proceedings. I have since been in communication with the Registrar of the Land Judges' Court, and have been informed that the solicitor having charge of the sale of the property hopes to be able, during the next sittings, to bring the proposal of the Land Commission before the Judge, and so to close the sales to the tenants. It is a fact that, to facilitate the preparation of the rental and the sale of the holdings, the Land Commission departed from their usual course and had the estate inspected prior to the preparation of the rental. As a rule, the Inspector's report of his inspection was favourable. I may add that, in a police report received by me this morning, it is stated that a number of purchases have been completed on this estate at Rathcline.