HC Deb 05 March 1896 vol 38 c210
DR. TANNER (Cork Co. Mid)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the recent steps taken by landlords in Mid Cork to deal with arrears of rent, and, especially to the practice of issuing writs in the superior courts, which involves much greater costs to the tenant than the ordinary process in the county courts; and whether, in view of the exceptional agricultural depression existing in Ireland as well as England, any steps will be taken or advised to prevent further depopulation in Ireland?


I am not aware that the landlords of Mid Cork have recently adopted any new or unusual method for the recovery of arrears of rent; and indeed so far as the police can ascertain proceedings in the superior courts for the recovery of arrears of rent in Mid Cork appear lately not to have been resorted to so frequently as formerly. In only five cases during the past seven months has the sheriff applied for protection in the execution of writs of the superior courts, in this area.