HC Deb 02 March 1896 vol 37 cc1471-2

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, (1) whether he is aware that the Government of India sells post cards at their face value; (2) whether these post cards are printed in England by the same firm that prints British post cards; (3) what would be the estimated loss to the Government by selling thin halfpenny post cards at their face value, in place of selling them at three farthings each; and, (4) whether the Government take into consideration the claims of the stationers when selling penny post cards at their face value?


It is understood that the Government of India sells post cards at their face value. The answer to the second paragraph is in the affirmative. At the present rate of issue the loss would be £6,500 a year. As regards the last paragraph, the sale of these cards is not so large as to materially affect the interests of stationers.