HC Deb 02 March 1896 vol 37 cc1482-3

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, if his attention has been directed to the action of the Vice Guardians of Killarney Union in appointing Head Constable Carty as Master of Killarney Workhouse; was Head Constable Carty in receipt of pay from the police authorities at the time of his appointment; what special experience, knowledge or fitness for the position of Master of a Workhouse did this police officer possess over 13 other candidates, many of whom spent years in the Poor Law service as masters, assistant clerks, and schoolmasters; and, has this appointment obtained his sanction and approval as President of the Local Government Board?


It is a fact that the Vice Guardians of the Killarney Union have appointed Mr. Carty, an ex-Head Constable in the Constabulary, to be Master of the Workhouse. Mr. Carty held the position of Head Constable at the time of his appointment, and was therefore in receipt of pay as such. He has since retired from the Constabulary Force. The Vice Guardians, after careful consideration of the qualifications of the several candidates, selected Mr. Carty as the most suitable. He had had considerable experience as clerk and book-keeper in the office of the County Inspector of Constabulary, and was well qualified to enforce discipline and order in an institution like the Killarney Workhouse. The Local Government Board have seen no reason for withholding their sanction to his appointment.


Are we to understand from the answer that a head constable while in full pay may enter into competition for such a position?


I see no reason why a head constable should not take an office of this kind.