HC Deb 29 June 1896 vol 42 cc267-8

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury, whether he has received a copy of a Resolution from the Mulbuie Highland Land Law Reform Association, pointing out the injustice of excluding from the benefits of the Crofters' Holdings (Scotland) Act, 1886, leaseholders whose rentals do not exceed £30; and, whether, seeing that the Education Bill has been withdrawn, and that there is more time at the disposal of the Government, he proposes to amend the Crofters' Act this Session, so as to give small tenants holding under lease the benefits of the Act?


The Resolution to which the hon. Gentleman refers has been received, but I have been obliged to say, in answer to other questions of a similar kind that I do not at present see much chance of the Government finding unexpected leisure to deal with Bills not at present on the Paper.