HC Deb 29 June 1896 vol 42 cc371-2

THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY moved, "That this House do now adjourn." He said that the business for this afternoon—[laughter]—would be the West Highland Railway Bill, the Conciliation Bill, the Auto-Motor Bill, Public Offices (Sites) Bill, Edinburgh General Register House (re-committed) Bill, Official Secrets Bill, and then Report of Supply.


protested against the manner in which the business of the House was being conducted. [Cheers.] Just see the notice that was given to Members with regard to the Government business! On Friday they were told that on Tuesday they were to have the Uganda Vote, and afterwards they were to proceed with the Finance Bill. On the Monday the Leader of the House got up and made an elaborate statement of the course of business which was to be taken during the present week, and at 4 o'clock, within a few minutes of making that statement, he discovered that all the Bills he had named had been put down for a subsequent day and could not, therefore, be taken on the day he had announced. ["Hear, hear."] Then the House of Commons was informed at a quarter-past 8 in the morning, so that notice could not be given to many Members, of what was the Government business to-day, a totally different programme being announced. It was only a natural and inevitable consequence that in such circumstances the business of the House was thrown into inextricable confusion. [Cheers.]


who was received with Ministerial cheers, could assure the right hon. Gentleman he did not grudge him the satisfaction he felt at making this attack. It was quite true that, by a mistake, for which he was not himself responsible, the Bills to which allusion had been made were passed on till Thursday, and could not be brought back for discussion on the Tuesday. He was extremely sorry if any one was inconvenienced, but he must say that the moment the mistake was discovered, a few minutes after he had made the announcement, he communicated the circumstance to hon. Gentlemen on the other side of the House—through the recognised channels of communication—and that information was conveyed to the right hon. Gentleman 18 hours ago. [Cheers.]


mentioned that certain hon. Members had to attend on Committees at 12 that day, and he asked that intimation should be conveyed that the Committees should not sit, having regard to the long session of the House.


said he had no power to do what the hon. Gentleman desired. When the Committees met they might adjourn to give hon. Members an opportunity for rest.

House adjourned accordingly at Twenty minutes after Eight o'clock on Tuesday morning, having sat 17 hours and 20 minutes.