HC Deb 25 June 1896 vol 42 c58

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether he is aware that London district offices require parcels for registration to be sealed, and if sealed only on the string to be sealed over the knot; and that officials of sub-offices are fined for accepting parcels not thus secured: and, whether he can see his way to revising the regulations in the "Post Office Guide," so as to make clear to the public and to the officials what exactly is required by the instruction for refusal "obviously such as to afford inadequate protection to the contents."


There is no regulation requiring registered parcels to be sealed by the senders. The rule is that a parcel intended for registration must be securely fastened, whether by sealing or otherwise, so as to preserve the contents from loss and prevent them from being tampered with. No fines are inflicted on any officer for accepting a parcel not properly fastened. The Postmaster General has received a report respecting the case to which the hon. member presumably refers, and he finds that the parcel was properly refused when tendered for registration because, although sealed, it could have been opened without the seal being broken. The regulations on the subject appear to be clearly stated in the "Post Office Guide."