§ MR. H. SETON-KARR (St. Helens)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the United States Government have appointed a Commission to report on the condition of the Fur Seal Fishery in the Behring Sea; and, if so, could he inform the House how the Commission is composed; when it will start; and what are the particular points into which it will examine; whether the two naturalists appointed by Her Majesty's Government to investigate and report on the same subject will visit the fur seal breeding islands in the Behring Sea on vessels belonging to and as guests of the proprietors of the seal breeding islands, or whether arrangements can be made by means of a British man-of-war, or otherwise, to enable the said naturalists to make independent inquiries; and, could he state what are the particular points connected with the natural history and habits of the fur seal not at present fully known on which they are being sent to report?
* MR. CURZONThe United States Government are sending experts to the islands this season; but we have no official information as to the composition of the Commission, or as to the particular points upon which it is instructed to report. The British naturalists are, by the courtesy of the United States Government, proceeding to the islands on board the United States Fish Commission steamer Albatross. Their inquiries will of course be independent, and one of Her Majesty's ships will be available for their use should it be found desirable. The chief object of the Mission is to furnish Her Majesty's Government with independent information as to the state of the seal herd, and the effect upon it of the regulations now in force. Their 1560 attention will also be particularly directed to the statements in regard to the causes of the large number of dead pups found upon the islands.