HC Deb 16 June 1896 vol 41 cc1153-4

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, whether he will lay upon the Table the Report of Mr. Moore Molyneux on the question of the emigration of Coolies from India to Réunion; and, whether, before a decision to sanction the re-opening of Coolie immigration into Réunion is arrived at, the House will be afforded an opportunity of passing an opinion on any scheme that may be proposed?


The Report alluded to is probably that by Mr. Muir Mackenzie who was deputed by the Government of India to examine into the condition of the Indian Immigrants in Réunion. The Report is a confidential document, and I am sorry that I cannot present it. The question whether Emigration to Réunion may be resumed is one for diplomatic negotiation, and I cannot say more than that no reopening of the Coolie Emigration can be sanctioned unless I am satisfied as to the conditions under which it can be resumed.