HC Deb 02 June 1896 vol 41 c367

Any person charged with any offence in this Act mentioned, and the wife or husband of such person, shall be competent, but not compellable to give evidence.

MR. WHITTAKER moved, "That the Chairman do report Progress, and ask leave to sit again."


hoped his hon. Friend would not persist in this Motion. At the same time he could hut regard this as an obnoxious clause, and it was a very serious thing for a private Member to move a clause in a Government Bill of this description. He expressed a hope that the clause would not be pressed.


intimated that he could not withdraw his Motion to report Progress.

MR. B. L. COHEN (Islington, E.)

said he did not rise to appeal to hon. Gentlemen opposite to withdraw their opposition, as he recognised that would be of no use. He thought, however, the time had arrived when it should be pointed out that this Bill which would materially benefit 12,000 men in the metropolis, was obstructed and prevented from passing night after night by hon. Gentlemen who did not represent any of the divisions where the men affected by the Bill lived, who could advance no argument whatever against the Bill, and who without any reason but that of obstruction would not allow a beneficent Measure to pass into law.


put the question that the clause be read a Second time and declared the Motion agreed to, there being some cries of "No."

Committee report Progress; to sit again upon Thursday.