HC Deb 02 June 1896 vol 41 c293
* SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucester, Forest of Dean)

I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether, seeing the difficulties of such Amendments of Clause 4 of the Education Bill as have been suggested from both sides of the House are financial rather than educational, he would consent to receive a private deputation of Members only, to discuss Amendments to Clause 4, with a view of saving the time of the Committee of the Whole House in the discussion of Amendments when Clause 4 is reached?


I do not think I can quite accept the definition of the diffculties of Clause 4 of the Education Bill suggested in the Question, because there seems to me a very considerable difference in the position of Board Schools which are enabled to draw from the rates and of Voluntary Schools which are voluntarily supported. I could not consent to receive a deputation on the subject of a single clause of a Bill of which I am not in charge, but I understand that the Lord President proposes to receive a deputation on this subject, and he has asked me to be present.