HC Deb 31 July 1896 vol 43 cc1245-6
MR. R. SOUTTAR (Dumfriesshire)

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether his attention has been drawn to notices which have been exhibited on the stances of the Glasgow Meat Market intimating that from and after this date no co-operative society will be supplied there; and whether the posting of such notices in public places constitutes a breach of the law; and, if so, whether any effort will be made to prevent the law being so infringed in future?

MR. J. B. BALFOUR (Clackmannan and Kinross)

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether he is aware that a body calling itself the Traders Defence Association of Scotland is bringing pressure to bear upon employers with the object of causing them to intimate to the persons in their employment who are members of co-operative societies that they must either sever their connection with such societies or leave their employment, and that employers have in some cases posted in their works notices to that effect; whether he is a ware that a notice has been posted on stances in the Meat Market of Glasgow to the effect that, in compliance with a resolution come to at a mass meeting of master fleshers held in Trades Hall on Thursday, 25th June 1896, no cooperative society will be supplied at that establishment; whether, seeing the Meat Market of Glasgow is a public market, the proceedings above-mentioned, or any of them, constitute violations of the Truck Acts or of the law relative to conspiracy, or are otherwise illegal; and whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


I am informed that notices of the nature referred to in this Question and in that of my right hon. and learned Friend opposite were posted in the Meat Market at Glasgow which is a public market under the management of the Glasgow Corporation. They were objected to, and by the instructions of the authorities were removed. As regards the general question of the legality of such notices, and the propriety of my taking action in any such matter, I have to remind my right hon. Friend that if any illegal practice is being carried on, it should be reported by the person or persons aggrieved in ordinary form by information to the Procurator Fiscal, when it would be considered in due course.