HC Deb 30 July 1896 vol 43 c1112

"Every light locomotive shall carry a bell or other instrument capable of giving audible and sufficient warning of the approach or position of the carriage."

He said the object of this was as impartial as the last, to which the Committee had just assented. For while the last made provision for making these carriages visible, the object of this was to make them capable of being audible. The last affected only the night, this affected both day and night. As these carriages would be noiseless he thought it very necessary that they should be in such a state as to be able to give notice of approach.


said this Amendment was rejected in the Grand Committee, but if it was the wish of the House he should accept it. ["Hear, hear."]

Clause read a Second time, and added to the Bill.

*MR. LUTTRELL moved the following new clause, which was read a First time:—