HC Deb 30 July 1896 vol 43 cc1040-1

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to a Report of the Special Commission on the Relative Strengths of Diphtheria Antitoxic Serums, published in The Lancet of July 18th, 1896, in which it is shown that the antitoxic serums now in the market in this country vary greatly in strength; whether he is aware that the Government in Germany have instituted a State laboratory, of which Professor Ehrlich is now the head, for the express purpose of testing the antitoxins produced by manufacturers and certifying the strength of serum contained in each bottle, which is then sent out bearing the Government stamp and seal; and, whether, with regard to the conclusions of The Lancet Commissioners, he is prepared to take steps similar to those already taken in Germany to insure that the strength of the antitoxic serums employed in this country shall be maintained at a uniform standard?


I am aware that, according to the Report referred to, the antitoxic serums sold in this country vary much in strength, and the statement in the Question as to the action taken in Germany is, I believe, correct. The powers vested in the Local Government Board have reference to prevention of disease in connection with sanitary administration and not the cure of disease, and they, therefore, are not empowered to control the sale of any remedy for the treatment of disease. It appears to me that there would be a considerable difficulty in the Government undertaking to control the purity or strength of one particular remedy, as suggested. The Sale of Food and Drugs Acts are intended to provide a remedy for the sale of drugs to the prejudice of the purchaser.