HC Deb 28 July 1896 vol 43 cc811-2
MR. BYRON REED (Bradford, E.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether a memorial has been received by the Lords of the Treasury from one Afred Charles Lott, relating to certain freehold, leasehold, and copyhold properties, situate in the county of Middlesex and elsewhere, of the estimated value of three millions sterling, in which it is alleged that one Henry Page executed a voluntary deed conveying the said estate to his solicitor; whether such a deed can be maintained against the Crown to escheat on failure of heir-at-law; whether, in face of the allegations in the said petition, he will cause steps to be taken to bring the facts before the Law Officers of the Crown, with a view to the property being escheated; and whether, in the event of the property being so escheated, the said Alfred Charles Lott would be entitled, as petitioner, to a share?


A Memorial dated 20th July has been received by the Treasury from one Alfred Charles Lott, alleging that certain property mentioned therein has escheated to the Crown, and praying that a lease of such property may be granted to him. This Memorial is one, of many of a similar description which have been received from this person during the last 25 years, and the Treasury have, under legal advice, declined, and must still decline, to take any action in the matter on behalf of the Crown.