HC Deb 28 July 1896 vol 43 c931

Any person aggrieved by the order of a Land Commissioner acting alone in carrying the Land Purchase Acts as amended by thin Act into effect, may, if such Commissioner was not a Judicial Commissioner and the question is one of law, require the case to be reheard by a Judicial Commissioner, and in any other case may require the question to be reconsidered by a Judicial Commissioner and two other Commissioners; provided that the Judicial Commissioner thinks it desirable the case shall be re-heard by those three Commissioners.

MR. DILLON moved to leave out the word "a,"—("a Judicial Commissioner ")—and to insert instead thereof the word "the."


said that he could not accept the Amendment.

Amendment negatived.

MR. GERALD BALFOUR moved, after the word "Commissioners," to insert the words,— One of whom shall be a Commissioner appointed under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act 1885, except where, owing to absence, illness, or a vacancy in office, such a Commissioner is not available.

Amendment agreed to.

MR. GERALD BALFOUR moved to transpose Clauses 39 and 10 after Clause 12.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 39,—