HC Deb 27 July 1896 vol 43 cc725-6

(1) Any board established either before or after the passing of this Act, which constituted for the purpose of settling disputes between employers and workmen by conciliation or arbitration, or any association body authorised by an agreement in writing (made between employers and workman to deal with such disputes (in this Act referred to as a conciliation board), may apply to the Board of Trade for registration under this Act. (2.) The application must be accompanied by copies of the constitution, byelaws, and regulations of the conciliation board, with such other information as the Board of Trade may reasonably require. (3.) The Board of Trade shall keep a register of conciliation boards, and enter therein with respect to each registered board its name and principal office, and such other particulars as the Board of Trade may think expedient. (4.) Every registered conciliation board shall furnish such returns, reports of its proceedings, and other documents as the Board of Trade may reasonably require. (5.) The Board of Trade may, on being satisfied that a registered conciliation board has ceased to exist or to act, remove its name from the register. (5.) Subject to any agreement to the contrary proceedings for conciliation before a registered conciliation board shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations of the board in that behalf.

MR. ASCROFT moved in Subsection (3), after the wont "expedient," to insert the words: and any registered conciliation board shall be entitled to have its name removed from the register on sending to the Board of Trade a written application to that effect. He said that it would remove many difficulties in the way of registration if it were clearly understood that withdrawal from the register could be effected by simple notice.


thought the Amendment unnecessary. It was obvious that the Board of Trade would not keep on the register any Conciliation Board which desired to withdraw its name. But if the House thought it was desirable to insert the words to make it perfectly clear that the Bill was purely voluntary, the Government would not object.

MR. J. BRYCE (Aberdeen, S.)

said that the words were quite unnecessary, but they were equally harmless.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 2,—