HC Deb 23 July 1896 vol 43 c465
MR. J. J. SHEE (Waterford. W.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade what is the estimate of the local surveyor as to the probable cost of removing the wreck of the ship Moresby from the entrance to Dungarvan Harbour; whether the Dungarvan Harbour Commissioners have funds to, or is their credit sufficient to enable them to, undertake the task of removing the wreck; and, if not, what outlay are they at present in a position to incur; whether he is aware that the wreck constitutes a serious and increasing danger to life and property; and whether, in case the Dungarvan Harbour Commissioners have not sufficient funds to enable them to act, the Board of Trade will take steps in the matter?


The Dungarvan Harbour Commissioners have been advised that the cost of removing the wreck in question would be considerable, but no reliable estimate has been made. I am not in a position to express an authoritative opinion as to the credit of the Commissioners. The wreck is probably to some extent a source of danger, but the Board of Trade have no funds or authority to remove it, and they are unable to do more than press that it should be properly lighted.