HC Deb 23 July 1896 vol 43 cc563-4

(1.) In case upon any joint application with a view to reinstatement of an evicted tenant or to the sale of the holding the Land Commission declares as a condition that any sum is reasonably payable in respect of arrears or costs, they may, if they think fit, grant one-half of such sum out of the moneys at their disposal for the purposes of this Act.

(2.) If owing to the destruction or dilapidation of the houses or farm buildings or to other waste on the holding it seems expedient to the Land Commission that a free grant should be made to assist in rebuilding or repairing, they may grant to the applicant for that purpose a sum not exceeding one hundred pounds out of the moneys at their disposal for the purposes of this Act.

(3.) For the purposes of this section of this Act the sum of two hundred thousand pounds shall be charged on the Irish Church Temporalities Fund, and placed at the disposal of the Land Commission.

(4.) The Land Commission may pay out of the Irish Church Temporalities Fund sums not exceeding in the aggregate the sum above mentioned, and may, with the consent of the Treasury, borrow the whole or any part of such sum on the security of the said fund.

(5.) Sections 59 and 64 of the Irish Church Act, 1869, as amended by the Irish Church Act Amendment Act, 1881, shall apply in like manner as if the provisions of this Act were the provisions referred to in those sections, and the advances may be guaranteed by the Treasury, and the sums required to meet the guarantee shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund accordingly.


said the last sub-section of the clause was out of order.


said that for reasons fully stated early in the Session the Government could not accept the clause. It would show favour to the evicted tenants beyond that shown to the tenants who had not been evicted, but had continued, often under great difficulties to pay their rents.


submitted that no argument could justify the giving of the relief proposed out of the Church Funds to the Irish landlords.


brought up the following clause:—