HC Deb 23 July 1896 vol 43 c570

(1.) The landlord and tenant of any holding may at any time (whether a statutory term is current in respect of the holding or not) agree in the prescribed manner in regard to all or any of the matters following:—

  1. (a) the consolidation of the holding with any other holding or portion of a holding or the making of any addition to the holding;
  2. (b) the assignment or surrender of portion of the holding;
  3. (c) the creation of a present tenancy in any holding;
  4. (d) the abridgement of any statutory term in the holding; and
  5. (e) the fair rent of the holding and the date at which the statutory term is to commence and the duration thereof.

(2.) Where any such agreement is made the tenancy in the holding shall (in the absence of a provision to the contrary) as and from the date of the agreement, be a present tenancy.

(3.) Any such agreement on being filed in the prescribed manner with the Land Commission shall have the same effect and consequents in all respects as if the matters agreed to therein had been determined by the Land Commission.

Clause read a First and Second time, and ordered to stand part of the Bill.

MR. WILLIAM JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.) moved the following clause, which he said he hoped the Government would accept:—