HC Deb 20 July 1896 vol 43 c151

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, whether, in view of the fact that loans are granted in Ireland for building national school teachers' dwellings repayable in 35 years, and that this charge is as a rule paid by the teacher and presses heavily on his slender income, he will see the necessity of extending the period for repayment to the same time as that allowed for the repayment of loans granted for the building of school houses and under the same terms and conditions?


The Question is based on a misapprehension of facts. The terms of repayment of loans for teachers' residences and for building school houses are the same in each case. The annuity of five per cent. payable on loans for residences is not paid by teachers. A moiety of this annual rent charge is in every case paid by the Commissioners, and managers are prohibited from charging, by way of rent on the residences, a sum in excess of the remaining moiety of 2½ per cent.